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Parenting lessons

So last year I finally decided to take a break from my career and stay at home with the girls, which the previous posts mentioned the crazy roller coaster experience that has been to adjust and move forward. In the process I tried to get some help from the experts, reading up on everything from how to entertain a toddler, how to Montesorri, homeschooling, love and responsibility, and anything I could get my hands on to read when I was not com pletely drained from energy.  At first I didn't know what to do with all the time with the kids -- which I had looked up other blogger moms who experienced the same dilemmas. So I got into getting crafting and sensory play ideas from online blogs and websites. A friend had mentioned the library but at first I rolled my eyes and thought it was a lame idea... lo and behold the library has been my new BFF and we go every week. It's been a life-turning event! I cannot believe how I did not appreciate libraries growing up. Our library recent

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